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Cloud Agent APIs

Cloud agent APIs return data on cloud agents in your subscription, as well as manage them.

After running:

from qualysdk.cloud_agent import *
You can use any of the endpoints currently supported:

Cloud Agent Endpoints

API Call Description
purge_agent Purges a cloud agent from the subscription.
bulk_purge_agent Purges multiple cloud agents from the subscription.
list_agents Lists all cloud agents in the subscription that match given kwargs.
launch_ods Launches an On-Demand Scan on a single cloud agent.
bulk_launch_ods Launches an On-Demand Scan on multiple cloud agents.

List Agents API

list_agents returns a list of cloud agents in the subscription that match the given kwargs.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
page_count Union[int, 'all'] = 'all' Number of pages to pull
asset_id str Singular asset ID
qwebHostId int QWEB Host ID
lastVulnScan str Date string formatted like ```YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ]
lastComplianceScan str Date string formatted like ```YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ]
informationGatheredUpdated str Date string formatted like ```YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ]
os str Operating System
dnsHostName str DNS Hostname
address str IP Address
vulnsUpdated str Date string formatted like ```YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ]
name str Host's Qualys Name
created str Date string formatted like ```YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ]
type str Host Type
netbiosName str NetBIOS Name
netbiosNetworkID str NetBIOS Network ID
networkGuid str Network GUID
trackingMethod Literal['NONE', 'IP', 'DNSNAME', 'NETBIOS', 'INSTANCE_ID', 'QAGENT'] Tracking Method
port int Query ports
installedSoftware str Query installed software
tagName str Query by tag name
tagId int Query by tag ID
update str Date string formatted like ```YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ]
activationKey str Activation Key
agentConfigurationName str Agent Configuration Name
agentConfigurationId float Agent Configuration ID
agentVersion str Agent Version
lastCheckedIn str Date string formatted like ```YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ]
lastVulnScan_operator Literal['GREATER', 'LESSER'] Operator for last vuln scan
lastComplianceScan_operator Literal['GREATER', 'LESSER'] Operator for last compliance scan
informationGatheredUpdated_operator Literal['GREATER', 'LESSER'] Operator for information gathered updated
vulnsUpdated_operator Literal['GREATER', 'LESSER'] Operator for vulns updated
created_operator Literal['GREATER', 'LESSER'] Operator for created
agentConfigurationName_operator Literal['EQUALS', 'CONTAINS'] Operator for agent configuration name
agentVersion_operator Literal['EQUALS', 'LESSER', 'GREATER'] Operator for agent version
lastCheckedIn_operator Literal['GREATER', 'LESSER'] Operator for last checked in
from qualysdk.auth import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.cloud_agent import list_agents

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>, platform='qg1')
list_agents(auth, os='Windows')
>>>[CloudAgent(id=123456789, ...), ...]

Purge Agent API

purge_agent purges a cloud agent from the subscription. Returns a str indicating success or an error message.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
asset_id str Singular asset ID
from qualysdk.auth import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.cloud_agent import purge_agent

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>, platform='qg1')
purge_agent(auth, asset_id='123456789')

Bulk Purge Agent API

bulk_purge_agent purges multiple cloud agents from the subscription. Returns a str indicating success or an error message.

Head's Up!: It is HIGHLY recommended to only use the asset_ids parameter for accuracy.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
asset_ids List[str] List of asset IDs ❌, but recommended!
names List[str] List of asset names
created str Date string or datetime object formatted like ```YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ]
updated str Date string or datetime object formatted like ```YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ]
created_operator Literal['GREATER', 'LESSER'] Operator for created date
updated_operator Literal['GREATER', 'LESSER'] Operator for updated date
tagName list[str] List of tag names
agentUuid list[str] List of agent UUIDs
from qualysdk.auth import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.cloud_agent import bulk_purge_agent

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>, platform='qg1')
bulk_purge_agent(auth, asset_ids=['123456789', '987654321'])

Launch On-Demand Scan on a Single Agent API

launch_ods launches an On-Demand Scan on a single cloud agent. Returns a str indicating success or an error message.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
asset_id str Singular asset ID
scan Literal['inv', 'vuln', 'pc', 'udc', 'sca', 'swca'] Scan type
overrideConfigCpu bool Override configuration profile's CPU throttling limits
from qualysdk.auth import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.cloud_agent import launch_ods

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>, platform='qg1')
launch_ods(auth, asset_id='123456789', scan='inv')

Launch On-Demand Scan on Multiple Agents API

bulk_launch_ods launches an On-Demand Scan on multiple cloud agents. Returns a str indicating success or an error message.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
scan Literal['inv', 'vuln', 'pc', 'udc', 'sca', 'swca'] Scan type
overrideConfigCpu bool Override configuration profile's CPU throttling limits
asset_ids Union[str, List[str]] List of asset IDs or comma-separated string of asset IDs ❌, but recommended!
names Union[str, List[str]] List of asset names or comma-separated string of asset names
tagName str Comma-separated string of tag names
from qualysdk.auth import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.cloud_agent import bulk_launch_ods

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>, platform='qg1')
bulk_launch_ods(auth, asset_ids=['123456789', '987654321'], scan='inv')