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Global AssetView APIs

Global AssetView APIs return data on hosts within your Qualys subscription.

Pro Tip: To see all available GAV QQL filters, look here!

After running:

from qualysdk.gav import *
You can any of the 4 GAV endpoints:

GAV Endpoints

API Call Description
count_assets Count assets based on the filter kwarg, which is written in Qualys QQL.
get_asset Get a specific host based on the assetId kwarg.
get_all_assets Pull the entire host inventory (or a few pages of it with page_count), in file sizes of pageSize. Does NOT support filter.
query_assets Scaled down version ofget_all_assets - pulls entire host inventory that matches the given filter kwarg.

Or use the uber class:

from qualysdk import TokenAuth, GAVUber

#Hey look! context managers!
with TokenAuth(<username>, <password>, platform='qg1') as auth:
    with GAVUber(auth) as uber:
        full_inventory_count = uber.get("count_assets")

GAV QQL Tokens

For a list of valid QQL search keywords, click here.

Count Assets API

The count_assets API is used to count the number of assets that match a given filter. The filter is written in GAV QQL.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.TokenAuth Authentication object
filter str The QQL filter to search for assets.
lastModifiedDate str The last modified date of the asset.
from qualysdk import TokenAuth
from qualysdk.gav import count_assets

with TokenAuth(<username>, <password>, platform='qg1') as auth:
    count = count_assets(auth, filter="operatingSystem.category1:`Windows`")
>>>{'count': 10000, 'responseCode': 'SUCCESS', 'responseMessage': 'Valid API Access'}

Get Asset API

The get_asset API is used to get a specific asset based on its asset ID (accessible from the Host.assetId attribute).

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.TokenAuth Authentication object
assetId str The asset ID of the host you want to get.
lastModifiedDate str The last modified date of the asset.
from qualysdk import TokenAuth
from qualysdk.gav import get_asset

with TokenAuth(<username>, <password>, platform='qg1') as auth:
    asset = get_asset(auth, assetId="123456")

Get All Assets API

get_all_assets is used to pull the entire GAV inventory. This is a very heavy operation, and will take some time depending on the size of your environment.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.TokenAuth Authentication object
page_count Union[int, 'all'] = 'all' The number of pages to pull.
pageSize int The number of assets to pull per page. Max value is 300.
excludeFields Literal["activity", "lastLocation", "address", "lastLoggedOnUser", "agent", "netbiosName", "agentId", "networkInterface", "assetName", "openPort", "biosAssetTag", "operatingSystem", "biosDescription", "processor", "biosSerialNumber", "provider", "cloudProvider", "sensor", "container", "service", "cpuCount", "software", "dnsName", "tag", "hardware", "timeZone", "hostId", "totalMemory", "inventory", "userAccount", "isContainerHost", "volume", "lastBoot"] Extra fields to exclude from the response.
includeFields Literal["activity", "lastLocation", "address", "lastLoggedOnUser", "agent", "netbiosName", "agentId", "networkInterface", "assetName", "openPort", "biosAssetTag", "operatingSystem", "biosDescription", "processor", "biosSerialNumber", "provider", "cloudProvider", "sensor", "container", "service", "cpuCount", "software", "dnsName", "tag", "hardware", "timeZone", "hostId", "totalMemory", "inventory", "userAccount", "isContainerHost", "volume", "lastBoot"] Extra fields to include in the response.
lastModifiedDate str The last modified date of the asset.
from qualysdk import TokenAuth
from qualysdk.gav import get_all_assets

# Get the first page of 100 assets, with
# cloudProvider, lastLoggedOnUser, and volume data excluded.
with TokenAuth(<username>, <password>, platform='qg1') as auth:
    all_assets = get_all_assets(
>>>[AssetID(123456), AssetID(123457), ...]

Query Assets API

query_assets is a scaled down version of get_all_assets, and is used to pull the entire GAV inventory that matches a given QQL filter.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.TokenAuth Authentication object
filter str The QQL filter to search for assets.
page_count Union[int, 'all'] = 'all' The number of pages to pull.
pageSize int The number of assets to pull per page. Max value is 300.
excludeFields Literal["activity", "lastLocation", "address", "lastLoggedOnUser", "agent", "netbiosName", "agentId", "networkInterface", "assetName", "openPort", "biosAssetTag", "operatingSystem", "biosDescription", "processor", "biosSerialNumber", "provider", "cloudProvider", "sensor", "container", "service", "cpuCount", "software", "dnsName", "tag", "hardware", "timeZone", "hostId", "totalMemory", "inventory", "userAccount", "isContainerHost", "volume", "lastBoot"] Extra fields to exclude from the response.
includeFields Literal["activity", "lastLocation", "address", "lastLoggedOnUser", "agent", "netbiosName", "agentId", "networkInterface", "assetName", "openPort", "biosAssetTag", "operatingSystem", "biosDescription", "processor", "biosSerialNumber", "provider", "cloudProvider", "sensor", "container", "service", "cpuCount", "software", "dnsName", "tag", "hardware", "timeZone", "hostId", "totalMemory", "inventory", "userAccount", "isContainerHost", "volume", "lastBoot"] Extra fields to include in the response.
lastModifiedDate str The last modified date of the asset.
from qualysdk import TokenAuth
from qualysdk.gav import query_assets

# Pull the first 100 Windows hosts:
with TokenAuth(<username>, <password>, platform='qg1') as auth:
    windows_assets = query_assets(auth, filter="operatingSystem.category1:`Windows`", page_count=1, pageSize=100)
>>>[AssetID(123456), AssetID(123457), ...]

The GAV Host Dataclass

Heads Up!: The Host class does not apply to count_assets()

Head's Up!: Not all Host attributes are populated by default. You can specify which fields to include/exclude in the response by using the includeFields and excludeFields parameters. Note that some fields will not be returned if your subscription does not include the Cybersecurity Asset Management upgrade.

When results are received from a GAV API, each host record is stored in a Host object, with its data points as attributes. Below is a list of all possible attributes:


qualysdk-gav CLI tool

The qualysdk-gav CLI tool is a command-line interface for the GAV portion of the SDK. It allows you to quickly pull down results from GAV APIs and save them to a XLSX file.

Heads Up!: If using PowerShell, you may need to use the --% flag to pass arguments to the script due to how PowerShell handles backticks. For example: qualysdk-gav --% -u <username> -p <password> query_assets --kwarg filter operatingSystem.category1:`Windows`


usage: qualysdk-gav [-h] -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD [-P {qg1,qg2,qg3,qg4}] {count_assets,get_all_assets,get_asset,query_assets} ...

CLI script to quickly perform Global AssetView (GAV) operations using qualysdk

positional arguments:
                        Action to perform
    count_assets        Count how many assets match a GAV QQL filter & save to a JSON file.
    get_all_assets      Pull a list of all assets in the GAV API.
    get_asset           Get a specific asset by asset ID (not host ID) & save to a JSON file.
    query_assets        Query assets based on a GAV QQL filter.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Qualys username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Qualys password
  -P {qg1,qg2,qg3,qg4}, --platform {qg1,qg2,qg3,qg4}
                        Qualys platform