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Web Application Scanning APIs

WAS APIs return data on web apps in your subscription, as well as manage them.

After running:

from qualysdk.was import *
You can use any of the endpoints currently supported:

WAS Endpoints

API Call Description
count_webapps Returns the number of web apps in the subscription that match given kwargs.
get_webapps Returns a list of web apps in the subscription that match given kwargs.
get_webapp_details Returns all attributes of a single web app.
get_webapps_verbose Combines the functionality of get_webapps and get_webapp_details to return a list of web apps with all attributes. Great for SQL data uploads.
create_webapp Creates a new web app in the subscription.
update_webapp Updates a web app in the subscription.
delete_webapp Deletes a web app in the subscription.
purge_webapp Purges scan data for a web app in the subscription.
get_selenium_script Returns the Selenium script associated with a web app
count_authentication_records Returns the number of authentication records in the subscription that match given kwargs.
get_authentication_records Returns a list of authentication records in the subscription that match given kwargs.
get_authentication_record_details Returns all attributes of a single authentication record.
create_authentication_record Creates a new authentication record in the subscription.
delete_authentication_record Deletes an authentication record in the subscription.
count_findings Returns the number of findings in the subscription that match given kwargs.
get_findings Returns a list of findings in the subscription that match given kwargs.
get_finding_details Returns all attributes of a single finding.
get_findings_verbose Combines the functionality of get_findings and get_finding_details to return a list of findings with all attributes. Great for SQL data uploads.

Count Webapps API

count_webapps returns the number of web apps in the subscription that match the given kwargs.

Head's Up! This method is useful for quickly getting a count of webapps that match certain criteria. It does NOT return the webapps themselves, or any attributes of the webapps.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
id Union[str, int] Web app ID
id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ID filter
name str Web app name
name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the name filter
url str Web app URL
url_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the URL filter
tags_name str Tag name
tags_name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the tag name filter
tags_id Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tag ID filter
createdDate str Date created
createdDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the created date filter
updatedDate str Date updated
updatedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the updated date filter
isScheduled bool If the webapp has a scan scheduled
isScheduled_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isScheduled filter
isScanned bool If the webapp has been scanned
isScanned_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isScanned filter
lastScan_status_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the lastScan_status filter
lastScan_date str Date of the last scan in UTC date/time format
lastScan_date_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the lastScan_date filter
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import count_webapps

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# Get the number of webapps that have a lastScan.status of "RUNNING":
webapps = count_webapps(auth, lastScan_status="RUNNING")

# Get the number of webapps by searching by multiple tags:
webapps = count_webapps(auth, tags_id="12345,54321", tags_id_operator="IN")

# Get the number of webapps where the name contains "prod":
webapps = count_webapps(auth, name="prod", name_operator="CONTAINS")

List Webapps API

get_webapps returns a list of web apps in the subscription that match the given kwargs.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
page_count Union[int, 'all'] = 'all' Number of pages to return. If 'all', returns all pages
id Union[str, int] Web app ID
id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ID filter
name str Web app name
name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the name filter
url str Web app URL
url_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the URL filter
tags_name str Tag name
tags_name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the tag name filter
tags_id Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tag ID filter
createdDate str Date created
createdDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the created date filter
updatedDate str Date updated
updatedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the updated date filter
isScheduled bool If the webapp has a scan scheduled
isScheduled_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isScheduled filter
isScanned bool If the webapp has been scanned
isScanned_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isScanned filter
lastScan_status_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the lastScan_status filter
lastScan_date str Date of the last scan in UTC date/time format
lastScan_date_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the lastScan_date filter
verbose bool If True, returns all tags for the webapp
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import get_webapps

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)
# Get the webapps that have a lastScan.status of "RUNNING". Include tags:
webapps = get_webapps(auth, lastScan_status="RUNNING", verbose=True)
        name="My Awesome Site", 

Get Webapp Details API

get_webapp_details returns all attributes of a single web app.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
webappId Union[str, int] Web app ID
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import get_webapp_details, get_webapps

# First, get the ID of the webapp you want to get details for:
auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)
webapps = get_webapps(auth, name="My Awesome Site", id=12345678)
webapp_id = webapps[0].id

# Get the details for the webapp:
webapp = get_webapp_details(auth, webappId=webapp_id)
    name="My Awesome Site", 

Get Webapps Verbose API

get_webapps_verbose combines the functionality of get_webapps and get_webapp_details to return a list of web apps with all attributes.

This method uses threading to speed up the process. Number of threads can be set with the thread_count parameter.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
thread_count int Number of threads to use for the request
page_count Union[int, 'all'] = 'all' Number of pages to return. If 'all', returns all pages
id Union[str, int] Web app ID
id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ID filter
name str Web app name
name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the name filter
url str Web app URL
url_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the URL filter
tags_name str Tag name
tags_name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the tag name filter
tags_id Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tag ID filter
createdDate str Date created
createdDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the created date filter
updatedDate str Date updated
updatedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the updated date filter
isScheduled bool If the webapp has a scan scheduled
isScheduled_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isScheduled filter
isScanned bool If the webapp has been scanned
isScanned_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isScanned filter
lastScan_status_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the lastScan_status filter
lastScan_date str Date of the last scan in UTC date/time format
lastScan_date_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the lastScan_date filter
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import get_webapps_verbose

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# Get all webapps with all attributes:
webapps = get_webapps_verbose(auth)
        name="My Awesome Site", 

# Get all webapps with all attributes 
# that have "prod" in the name, using 10 threads:
webapps = get_webapps_verbose(
        name="My Awesome Site (prod)", 
        name="My Other Site (prod)",

Create Webapp API

create_webapp creates a new web app in the subscription.

Head's Up!: More optional attributes will be supported in the future.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
name str Web app name
url str Web app URL
authRecord_id Union[str, int] Auth record ID
uris Union[str, list[str]] Single URI string or a list of URI strings
tag_ids Union[int, list[int]] Single tag ID or a list of tag IDs
domains Union[str, list[str]] Single domain string or a list of domain strings
scannerTag_ids Union[int, list[int]] Single tag ID or a list of tag IDs associated with scanner appliances to assign
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import create_webapp

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# Create a new webapp with 
# minimal attributes:
new_webapp = create_webapp(
    name="My New Site",

# Create a new webapp with
# URIs, tags, and an auth record:
new_webapp = create_webapp(
    name="My New Site",
    uris=["", "", ""],
    authRecord_id=12345678 # Only one auth record can be specified in the API call
    tag_ids=[12345, 54321],
    name="My New Site", 
    uris=["", "", ""],
    tags=[WASTag(id=12345, name='Prod'), WASTag(id=54321, name='News')],

# Create a new webapp with
# 2 default scanner tags:
new_webapp = create_webapp(
    name="My New Site",
    scannerTag_ids=[12345, 54321],

Update Webapp API

update_webapp updates a web app in the subscription.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
webappId Union[str, int] Web app ID
name str Web app name
url str Web app URL
attributes dict["add": {key: value}, "remove": list[str]] Attributes to add or remove.
defaultProfile_id int Default profile ID
urlExcludelist list[str] List of URLs to exclude
urlAllowlist list[str] List of URLs to allow
postDataExcludelist list[str] List of post data paths to exclude
useSitemap bool If True, use the sitemap
headers list["Header_name: Header_value"] List of headers
authRecord_id dict["add": int, "remove": int] Auth record ID to add or remove
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import update_webapp

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)
webapp_id = 12345678

# Update the name of a webapp:
updated_webapp = update_webapp(
    name="My Updated Site"

# Remove current auth record and add a new one:
updated_webapp = update_webapp(
    authRecord_id={"add": 98765432, "remove": 12345678}

# Add new headers:
updated_webapp = update_webapp(
    headers=["X-Frame-Options: DENY", "Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'"]

# Add/remove custom attributes:
updated_webapp = update_webapp(
    attributes={"add": {"custom_attribute": "custom_value"}, "remove": ["old_custom_attribute1", "old_custom_attribute2"]}

# add URLs to the exclude list:
updated_webapp = update_webapp(
    urlExcludelist=["", ""]

Delete Webapp API

delete_webapp deletes a web app in the subscription.

Returns a list of webapp IDs that were deleted as a dictionary: {"id": <id>}

Head's Up!: Using this API may only remove the WAS-specific asset in the subscription. It may still be active in other Qualys modules, such as Global AssetView's web application view.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
removeFromSubscription bool=True If True, removes the webapp from the subscription. If False, removes webapp from WAS only
id Union[str, int] Web app ID
id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ID filter
name str Web app name
name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the name filter
url str Web app URL
url_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the URL filter
tags_name str Tag name
tags_name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the tag name filter
tags_id Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tag ID filter
createdDate str Date created
createdDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the created date filter
updatedDate str Date updated
updatedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the updated date filter
isScheduled bool If the webapp has a scan scheduled
isScheduled_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isScheduled filter
isScanned bool If the webapp has been scanned
isScanned_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isScanned filter
lastScan_status_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the lastScan_status filter
lastScan_date str Date of the last scan in UTC date/time format
lastScan_date_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the lastScan_date filter
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import delete_webapp

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# Delete a webapp by ID:
delete_webapp(auth, id=12345678)

# Delete multiple webapps by ID:
delete_webapp(auth, id="12345678,98765432", id_operator="IN")

# Delete all webapps that have the "deprecated" tag:
delete_webapp(auth, tags_name="deprecated", tags_name_operator="EQUALS")
>>>[{"id": 12345678}, {"id": 98765432}, ...]

Purge Webapp Scan Data API

purge_webapp purges scan data for a web app in the subscription.

Returns a list of webapp IDs that were purged as a dictionary: {"id": <id>}

Head's Up!: Using this API may de-activate the WAS-specific asset in the subscription. It may still be active in other Qualys modules.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
id Union[str, int] Web app ID
id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ID filter
name str Web app name
name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the name filter
url str Web app URL
url_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the URL filter
tags_name str Tag name
tags_name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the tag name filter
tags_id Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tag ID filter
createdDate str Date created
createdDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the created date filter
updatedDate str Date updated
updatedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the updated date filter
isScheduled bool If the webapp has a scan scheduled
isScheduled_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isScheduled filter
isScanned bool If the webapp has been scanned
isScanned_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isScanned filter
lastScan_status_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the lastScan_status filter
lastScan_date str Date of the last scan in UTC date/time format
lastScan_date_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the lastScan_date filter
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import purge_webapp

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# Purge scan data for a webapp by ID:
purge_webapp(auth, id=12345678)

# Purge scan data for multiple webapps by ID:
purge_webapp(auth, id="12345678,98765432", id_operator="IN")

# Purge scan data for all webapps that have the "deprecated" tag:
purge_webapp(auth, tags_name="deprecated", tags_name_operator="EQUALS")
>>>[{"id": 12345678}, {"id": 98765432}, ...]

Download a Web App's Associated Selenium Script API

get_selenium_script returns the Selenium script associated with a web app.

Head's Up! Currently, code to create a dataclass object out of the response to this API has not been written. This is a stub. If you have written the code yourself, please submit a pull request! This method will still return data, but it will be the raw data underneath the API response's data XML tag.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
id Union[str, int] Web app ID
crawlingScripts_id Union[str, int] Crawling script ID
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import get_selenium_script

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)


Count Authentication Records API

count_authentication_records returns the number of authentication records in the subscription that match the given kwargs.

Head's Up! This method is useful for quickly getting a count of authentication records that match certain criteria. It does NOT return the authentication records themselves, or any attributes of the authentication records.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
id Union[str, int] Auth record ID
id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ID filter
name str Auth record name
name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the name filter
tags Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tags filter
tags_name str Tag name
tags_name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the tag name filter
tags_id Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tag ID filter
createdDate str Date created
createdDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the created date filter
updatedDate str Date updated
updatedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the updated date filter
isUsed bool If the auth record is in use
isUsed_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isUsed filter
lastScan_authStatus Literal["NONE", "NOT_USED", "PARTIAL", "FAILED", "SUCCESSFUL"] Status of the last scan
lastScan_authStatus_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the lastScan_authStatus filter
lastScan_date str Date of the last scan in UTC date/time format
lastScan_date_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the lastScan_date filter
contents_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the contents filter
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import count_authentication_records

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# Get the number of Selenium auth records that have a lastScan.authStatus of "FAILED":
failed_selenium = count_authentication_records(

# Get all OAuth2 auth records:
oauth2 = count_authentication_records(

List Authentication Records API

get_authentication_records returns a list of authentication records in the subscription that match the given kwargs.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
page_count Union[int, 'all'] = 'all' Number of pages to return. If 'all', returns all pages
id Union[str, int] Auth record ID
id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ID filter
name str Auth record name
name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the name filter
tags Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tags filter
tags_name str Tag name
tags_name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the tag name filter
tags_id Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tag ID filter
createdDate str Date created
createdDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the created date filter
updatedDate str Date updated
updatedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the updated date filter
isUsed bool If the auth record is in use
isUsed_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isUsed filter
lastScan_authStatus Literal["NONE", "NOT_USED", "PARTIAL", "FAILED", "SUCCESSFUL"] Status of the last scan
lastScan_authStatus_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the lastScan_authStatus filter
lastScan_date str Date of the last scan in UTC date/time format
lastScan_date_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the lastScan_date filter
contents_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the contents filter
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import get_authentication_records

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# Get all authentication records:
auth_records = get_authentication_records(auth)
        name="My Auth Record",
        createdDate=datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
        updatedDate=datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),

# Get all authentication records that have a lastScan.authStatus of "FAILED":
failed_auth_records = get_authentication_records(auth, lastScan_authStatus="FAILED")
        name="My Failed Auth Record",
        createdDate=datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
        updatedDate=datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),

Get Authentication Record Details API

get_authentication_record_details returns all attributes of a single auth record.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
recordId Union[str, int] Auth record ID

Head's Up!: Server, Form, and OAuth2 passwords are automatically redacted when calling sql.upload_was_authentication_records and the record's secured attribute is set to True or the record's name attribute equals "password".

from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import get_authentication_record_details, get_authentication_records

# First, get some IDs of the auth records you want to get details for:
auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)
authrecords = get_authentication_records(auth)
authrecord_id = webapps[0].id

# Get the details for the webapp. Some fields have been removed for space:
webapp = get_authentication_record_details(auth, authrecord_id)
    name='My site', 
    owner_lastName='Van Halen', 
        WebAppAuthFormRecord(id=12345678, name='username', secured=False, value='username'), 
        WebAppAuthFormRecord(id=12345678, name='password', secured=False, value='Some Password')
    tags_list=[WASTag(id=12345678, name='Main websites')], 
    createdDate=datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 1, 1, 10, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 
    updatedDate=datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 1, 1, 30, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 

Get Authentication Records Verbose API

get_authentication_records_verbose combines the functionality of get_authentication_records and get_authentication_record_details to return a list of auth records with all attributes.

This method uses threading to speed up the process. Number of threads can be set with the thread_count parameter.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
thread_count int Number of threads to use for the request
page_count Union[int, 'all'] = 'all' Number of pages to return. If 'all', returns all pages
id Union[str, int] Auth record ID
id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ID filter
name str Auth record name
name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the name filter
tags Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tags filter
tags_name str Tag name
tags_name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the tag name filter
tags_id Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tag ID filter
createdDate str Date created
createdDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the created date filter
updatedDate str Date updated
updatedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the updated date filter
isUsed bool If the auth record is in use
isUsed_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the isUsed filter
lastScan_authStatus Literal["NONE", "NOT_USED", "PARTIAL", "FAILED", "SUCCESSFUL"] Status of the last scan
lastScan_authStatus_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the lastScan_authStatus filter
lastScan_date str Date of the last scan in UTC date/time format
lastScan_date_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the lastScan_date filter
contents_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the contents filter
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import get_authentication_records_verbose

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# Get all auth records with all attributes:
authrecords = get_authentication_records_verbose(auth)
        name="some auth record", 

# Get all auth records with all attributes 
# that have "prod" in the name, using 10 threads:
authrecords = get_authentication_records_verbose(
        name="some prod auth record",

Create Authentication Record API

create_authentication_record creates a new authentication record in the subscription. You can create formRecord, serverRecord, and oauth2Record types. Each type requires different attributes, which are detailed below.

Head's Up!: The options for this API endpoint are quite complex. When in doubt, refer to the error messages the SDK raises. It may take a few tries to get the right combination of arguments.

Form Record

Below are the possible arguments for creating a form record:

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
name str Auth record name
recordType str = formRecord Record type
subType Literal["STANDARD", "CUSTOM", "SELENIUM"] Record sub-type
fields list[dict["name": str, "value": str]] List of fields
sslOnly bool If the authentication record should only be sent on a secure connection
authVault bool If the authentication record should be stored in the auth vault
seleniumCreds bool If the authentication record is for a Selenium script
seleniumScript dict[str, str], like: {"name": "my_script", "data": <script_as_XML_string>} Selenium script data
tags list[Union[str, int]] List of tag IDs
comments list[str] List of comments
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import create_authentication_record

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# EXAMPLE formRecord with basic username/password fields:

new_auth_record = create_authentication_record(
    name="My New Auth Record",
        {"name": "username", "value": "my_username"},
        {"name": "password", "value": "my_password"},
    tags=[12345, 54321],
    comments=["This is my new auth record"],

new_auth_record = create_authentication_record(
    name="My Selenium Auth Record",
        {"name": "username", "value": "my_username"},
        {"name": "password", "value": "my_password"},
    seleniumScript={"name": "my_script", "data": """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<head profile="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<link rel="selenium.base" href="" />
<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="1">..."""},

Server Record

Below are the possible arguments for creating a server record:

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
name str Auth record name
recordType str = serverRecord Record type
sslOnly bool If the authentication record should only be sent on a secure connection
certificate dict["name": str, "contents": str, "passphrase": str] Certificate data
tags list[Union[str, int]] List of tag IDs
comments list[str] List of comments
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import create_authentication_record

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# EXAMPLE serverRecord with a certificate:
new_auth_record = create_authentication_record(
    name="My New Server Auth Record",
    certificate={"name": "my_cert", "contents": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIID...-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "passphrase": "my_passphrase"},
    tags=[12345, 54321],
    comments=["This is my new server auth record"],

OAuth2 Record

Below are the possible arguments for creating an OAuth2 record:

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
name str Auth record name
recordType str = oauth2Record Record type
subType Literal["AUTH_CODE", "IMPLICIT", "PASSWORD", "CLIENT_CREDS"] Record sub-type
clientId str OAuth2 client ID
clientSecret str OAuth2 client secret
accessTokenUrl str OAuth2 access token URL
scope str OAuth2 scope
accessTokenExpiredMsgPattern str OAuth2 access token expired message pattern
seleniumCreds bool If the authentication record is for a Selenium script
seleniumScript dict[str, str], like: {"name": "my_script", "data": <script_as_XML_string>} Selenium script data
tags list[Union[str, int]] List of tag IDs
comments list[str] List of comments
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import create_authentication_record

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# EXAMPLE OAuth2 record:
new_auth_record = create_authentication_record(
    name="My New OAuth2 Auth Record",
    tags=[12345, 54321],
    comments=["This is my new OAuth2 auth record"],

Delete Authentication Record API

delete_authentication_record deletes an authentication record in the subscription.

Returns a list of auth record IDs that were deleted as a dictionary: {"id": <id>}

Head's Up!: Using this API may only remove the WAS-specific asset in the subscription. It may still be active in other Qualys modules, such as Global AssetView's web application view.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
id Union[str, int] Auth record ID
id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ID filter
name str Auth record name
name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the name filter
tags Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tags filter
tags_name str Tag name
tags_name_operator Literal["CONTAINS", "EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS"] Operator for the tag name filter
tags_id Union[str, int] Tag ID
tags_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the tag ID filter
createdDate str Date created
createdDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the created date filter
updatedDate str Date updated
updatedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the updated date filter
lastScan_date str Date of the last scan in UTC date/time format
lastScan_date_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER"] Operator for the lastScan_date filter
lastScan_authStatus Literal["NONE", "NOT_USED", "PARTIAL", "FAILED", "SUCCESSFUL"] Status of the last scan
lastScan_authStatus_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the lastScan_authStatus filter
isUsed bool If the auth record is in use
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import delete_authentication_record

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# Delete an auth record by ID:
delete_authentication_record(auth, id=12345678)

# Delete all auth record with the PURGE tag:
delete_authentication_record(auth, tags_name="PURGE", tags_name_operator="EQUALS")
>>>[{"id": 12345678}, {"id": 98765432}, ...]

Count Findings API

count_findings returns the number of findings in the subscription that match the given kwargs.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
id Union[str, int] Finding ID
id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ID filter
uniqueId str Unique ID of the finding
qid int Qualys ID of the finding
qid_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the QID filter
name str Name of the finding
name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the name filter
type_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the type filter
url str URL of the finding's webapp
url_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the URL filter
webApp_tags_id int A tag ID on the webapp
webApp_tags_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the webApp_tags_id filter
webApp_tags_name str A tag name on the webapp
webApp_tags_name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the webApp_tags_name filter
status Literal["NEW", "ACTIVE", "REOPENED", "PROTECTED", "FIXED"] Status of the finding
status_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the status filter
patch int Patch ID for WAF module
patch_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the patch filter
webApp_id int Webapp ID
webApp_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the webApp_id filter
webApp_name str Webapp name
webApp_name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the webApp_name filter
severity Literal[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Severity of the finding
severity_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the severity filter
externalRef str External reference of the finding
externalRef_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the externalRef filter
ignoredDate str Date the finding was ignored
ignoredDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ignoredDate filter
ignoredReason Literal["FALSE_POSITIVE", "RISK_ACCEPTED", "NOT_APPLICABLE"] Reason the finding was ignored
ignoredReason_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the ignoredReason filter
group Literal["XSS", "SQL", "INFO", "PATH", "CC", "SSN_US", "CUSTOM"] Group of the finding
group_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the group filter
owasp_name str OWASP name of the finding
owasp_name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the owasp_name filter
owasp_code int OWASP code of the finding
owasp_code_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the owasp_code filter
wasc_name str WASC name of the finding
wasc_name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the wasc_name filter
wasc_code int WASC code of the finding
wasc_code_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the wasc_code filter
cwe_id int CWE ID of the finding
cwe_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the cwe_id filter
firstDetectedDate str Date the finding was first detected
firstDetectedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the firstDetectedDate filter
lastDetectedDate str Date the finding was last detected
lastDetectedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the lastDetectedDate filter
lastTestedDate str Date the finding was last tested
lastTestedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the lastTestedDate filter
timesDetected int Number of times the finding was detected
timesDetected_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the timesDetected filter
fixedDate str Date the finding was fixed
fixedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the fixedDate filter
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import count_findings

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# Get the number of findings with a severity of 5:
count = count_findings(auth, severity=5)

# Get XSS findings that are severity 4 or 5,
# and have been detected 5+ times
# on assets with the PROD tag:

count = count_findings(
>>> 5

List Findings API

get_findings returns a list of findings in the subscription that match the given kwargs.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
page_count Union[int, 'all'] = 'all' Number of pages to return. If 'all', returns all pages
verbose bool Whether to return verbose output
id Union[str, int] Finding ID
id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ID filter
uniqueId str Unique ID of the finding
qid int Qualys ID of the finding
qid_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the QID filter
name str Name of the finding
name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the name filter
type_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the type filter
url str URL of the finding's webapp
url_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the URL filter
webApp_tags_id int A tag ID on the webapp
webApp_tags_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the webApp_tags_id filter
webApp_tags_name str A tag name on the webapp
webApp_tags_name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the webApp_tags_name filter
status Literal["NEW", "ACTIVE", "REOPENED", "PROTECTED", "FIXED"] Status of the finding
status_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the status filter
patch int Patch ID for WAF module
patch_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the patch filter
webApp_id int Webapp ID
webApp_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the webApp_id filter
webApp_name str Webapp name
webApp_name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the webApp_name filter
severity Literal[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Severity of the finding
severity_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the severity filter
externalRef str External reference of the finding
externalRef_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the externalRef filter
ignoredDate str Date the finding was ignored
ignoredDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ignoredDate filter
ignoredReason Literal["FALSE_POSITIVE", "RISK_ACCEPTED", "NOT_APPLICABLE"] Reason the finding was ignored
ignoredReason_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the ignoredReason filter
group Literal["XSS", "SQL", "INFO", "PATH", "CC", "SSN_US", "CUSTOM"] Group of the finding
group_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the group filter
owasp_name str OWASP name of the finding
owasp_name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the owasp_name filter
owasp_code int OWASP code of the finding
owasp_code_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the owasp_code filter
wasc_name str WASC name of the finding
wasc_name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the wasc_name filter
wasc_code int WASC code of the finding
wasc_code_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the wasc_code filter
cwe_id int CWE ID of the finding
cwe_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the cwe_id filter
firstDetectedDate str Date the finding was first detected
firstDetectedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the firstDetectedDate filter
lastDetectedDate str Date the finding was last detected
lastDetectedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the lastDetectedDate filter
lastTestedDate str Date the finding was last tested
lastTestedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the lastTestedDate filter
timesDetected int Number of times the finding was detected
timesDetected_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the timesDetected filter
fixedDate str Date the finding was fixed
fixedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the fixedDate filter
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import get_findings

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)

# Get all findings, with all details:
findings = get_findings(auth, verbose=True)
        name='SSL Certificate - Information', 

# Get all XSS & SQL findings 
# with a severity of 4 or 5
# that have been detected 
# 5+ times on assets with the PROD tag:
findings = get_findings(

Get Finding Details API

get_finding_details returns the details of a single finding in the subscription.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
findingId Union[str, int] Finding # or unique ID
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import get_finding_details

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)
finding = get_finding_details(auth, findingId=123456789)
finding2 = get_finding_details(auth, findingId="aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee")

Get Findings Verbose API

get_findings_verbose returns a list of findings in the subscription with all attributes. This method uses threading to speed up the process. Number of threads can be set with the thread_count parameter.

Head's Up!: Unlike the other get_<thing>_verbose methods, this method is not always faster than the non-verbose version. It is recommended to use the non-verbose version unless you need data specifically related to SSL/TLS certificates.

Parameter Possible Values Description Required
auth qualysdk.auth.BasicAuth Authentication object
thread_count int Number of threads to use for the request
page_count Union[int, 'all'] = 'all' Number of pages to return. If 'all', returns all pages
verbose bool Whether to return verbose output
id Union[str, int] Finding ID
id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ID filter
uniqueId str Unique ID of the finding
qid int Qualys ID of the finding
qid_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the QID filter
name str Name of the finding
name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the name filter
type_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the type filter
url str URL of the finding's webapp
url_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the URL filter
webApp_tags_id int A tag ID on the webapp
webApp_tags_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the webApp_tags_id filter
webApp_tags_name str A tag name on the webapp
webApp_tags_name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the webApp_tags_name filter
status Literal["NEW", "ACTIVE", "REOPENED", "PROTECTED", "FIXED"] Status of the finding
status_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the status filter
patch int Patch ID for WAF module
patch_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the patch filter
webApp_id int Webapp ID
webApp_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the webApp_id filter
webApp_name str Webapp name
webApp_name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the webApp_name filter
severity Literal[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Severity of the finding
severity_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the severity filter
externalRef str External reference of the finding
externalRef_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the externalRef filter
ignoredDate str Date the finding was ignored
ignoredDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the ignoredDate filter
ignoredReason Literal["FALSE_POSITIVE", "RISK_ACCEPTED", "NOT_APPLICABLE"] Reason the finding was ignored
ignoredReason_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the ignoredReason filter
group Literal["XSS", "SQL", "INFO", "PATH", "CC", "SSN_US", "CUSTOM"] Group of the finding
group_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the group filter
owasp_name str OWASP name of the finding
owasp_name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the owasp_name filter
owasp_code int OWASP code of the finding
owasp_code_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the owasp_code filter
wasc_name str WASC name of the finding
wasc_name_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "CONTAINS"] Operator for the wasc_name filter
wasc_code int WASC code of the finding
wasc_code_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the wasc_code filter
cwe_id int CWE ID of the finding
cwe_id_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "IN"] Operator for the cwe_id filter
firstDetectedDate str Date the finding was first detected
firstDetectedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the firstDetectedDate filter
lastDetectedDate str Date the finding was last detected
lastDetectedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the lastDetectedDate filter
lastTestedDate str Date the finding was last tested
lastTestedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the lastTestedDate filter
timesDetected int Number of times the finding was detected
timesDetected_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the timesDetected filter
fixedDate str Date the finding was fixed
fixedDate_operator Literal["EQUALS", "NOT EQUALS", "GREATER", "LESSER", "IN"] Operator for the fixedDate filter
from qualysdk import BasicAuth
from qualysdk.was import get_findings_verbose

auth = BasicAuth(<username>, <password>)
findings = get_findings_verbose(auth, severity=5)

qualysdk-was CLI tool

The qualysdk-was CLI tool is a command-line interface for the WAS portion of the SDK. It allows you to quickly pull down results from WAS APIs and save them to an XLSX file.


usage: qualysdk-was [-h] -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD [-P {qg1,qg2,qg3,qg4}] {get_findings} ...

CLI script to quickly perform Web Application Scanning (WAS) operations using qualysdk

positional arguments:
  {get_findings}        Action to perform
    get_findings        Get a list of WAS findings.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Qualys username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Qualys password
  -P {qg1,qg2,qg3,qg4}, --platform {qg1,qg2,qg3,qg4}
                        Qualys platform

Get Findings

usage: qualysdk-was get_findings [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [--kwarg key value]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output xlsx file to write results to
  --kwarg key value     Specify a keyword argument to pass to the get_findings function. Can be used multiple times

# Example with a few kwargs:
qualysdk-was -u <username> -p <password> -P qg1 get_findings --kwarg verbose true --kwarg group XSS --output xss_findings.xlsx
>>>Data written to xss_findings.xlsx.